Addison’s Agenda: Relaunch and Course Correction

Addison's Agenda
2 min readJan 31, 2023
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In a previous article, I wrote about the health challenges that forced me to step back from taking new speaking engagements or creating media like videos or podcasts in 2022. If you’re curious, you can check out that post, but I’ll leave out the details here.

Suffice it to say that 2022 was a terrible year for me, but it also included the seeds of a better 2023. I lost my voice, but I received treatment that let me find it again. I could only walk with a cane, but months of physical therapy and deep tissue injections allowed me to throw it away. The list of injuries and recoveries is quite extensive.

Now that I’ve reached a better place with my health, I’m ready to get back to work. I’m relaunching Addison’s Agenda, taking new speaking engagements, and releasing new episodes of “Ask Addi,” my YouTube show where I answer questions about the LGBTQ+ community and transgender issues.

I will also expand my speaking offerings to cover unconscious bias, invisible and dynamic disability, and living as a neurodivergent person in a world built by neurotypical people. These are all subjects I encounter daily, so I believe I can help others understand the issues disabled and neurodivergent people face in the workplace.

I will also start producing new video series, including “In Bed with hEDS,” a…



Addison's Agenda

Addison Smith is an LGBTQ+ and disability educator and activist living in the Midwest with their cat. They/She. More info at