On Being Fired for Being Disabled

A loophole in the Americans with Disability Act cost me my job.

Addison's Agenda
6 min readOct 27, 2023

Last week, I wrote a short entry promising to write more often on Medium, but I have yet to post anything new.

Soon after I published that entry, I was blindsided by my day job employer informing me that they had declared me unable to work my current job, they could not make an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and they would let me go soon unless I could find another position for myself in the university.

Photo by Ron Lach : https://www.pexels.com/photo/computer-tied-with-black-and-yellow-tape-9830811/

These two facts are related. I was just a bit upset, and I find writing challenging while figuring out my future survival, so that’s why I haven’t posted since last week.

Many of my friends have reacted to this with exclamations of “Is that legal?!” or “Get a lawyer!” Sadly, they have covered themselves, so I don’t have a lawsuit. Or at least I wouldn’t win if I filed one. Here’s how.

Three years ago, I informed my supervisor that my doctor suspected I had hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). About ten months later, after seeing various doctors to rule out other diagnoses, a geneticist confirmed that I indeed have hEDS. I informed my supervisor of the diagnosis and provided a list of symptoms, which included chronic fatigue and sleep…



Addison's Agenda

Addison Smith is an LGBTQ+ and disability educator and activist living in the Midwest with their cat. They/She. More info at https://addisonsagenda.com