You Can’t Support Trumpublicans and Be My Friend

Addison's Agenda
6 min readMay 25, 2022

I see your “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt and know you want me dead.

Images from WikiCommons

Some will call the title of this piece a provocative statement. Others will think, “hell, yeah!” because they believe that I am saying that I have some great animosity toward Trump supporters. OK, maybe a little animosity but not to the point that I would make a blanket statement banning them from my friendship. However, I have to admit that I have “defriended” people on social media for sharing anti-trans lies. You can share it all you want, but if you do and I see it, I will make sure I won’t again.

What I mean is that by supporting Trump or any of his wannabe imitators, you are telling me that you are not my friend. You have taken a proactive step to join those trying to end my freedom and possibly my life. Trumpublicans are literally hunting trans children and their families and limiting the rights of trans people like myself. If you support them, you show yourself as one of those in favor of oppressing trans people or the entire LGBTQ+ community. You cannot be a friend to someone whose rights you want to crush.

What you support with your MAGA vote

  • Preventing trans kids from receiving medical care.



Addison's Agenda

Addison Smith is an LGBTQ+ and disability educator and activist living in the Midwest with their cat. They/She. More info at